Here is a bright little saltwater streamer (3 1/2") tied on a Daiichi 2546 size 2/0.The shank is covered with dark green 140 denier
thread down to the bend and then a thin strip of extra heavy golf club weighting tape was placed along the bottom side.
The shank and tape are then covered over and cemented.
A thin strip cut from some metallic medium green craft curling ribbon was wound on as an underbody,covered afterwards
by a triple layering of plastic pearl needlepoint yarn (unwound....think large Frostbite).The thread was then switched out to
a 210 denier fluo. chartreuse.
The wing is a blending of Llama Streamer Hair and Magic Flash in a few colours.The first section tied down being yellow
Llama Streamer Hair and Green Pearl Magic Flash.To blend the 2 materials I cut a thin bundle of the llama hair from the hide
and lay it down on the inside of a cardboard box lid.Spreading the llama hair out,keeping the cut butts in line,is very easy to do.
The llama hair is very easy to manage.After you have spread the llama hair out at the sides,and you have a thin layer,take a pinch
of Magic Flash and lay it down on top of the hair.Generally,you want the plastic fibres to lay in the same direction as the hair,and
within the length of the hair.Add another pinch or 2 of Magic Flash to cover the layer of spread hair.I worked towards a 50/50
of llama hair and Magic Flash.It is now just a matter of rolling and/or folding the mixture into a thin,sparkly hair bundle that is
ready to be tied down onto the hook shank. *** This 1st bundle was tied down in reverse on the forward,and a
dubbed bunch of Magic Flash in colour Sunset was then wound over the tied down wing butts, brushed down ,and cut to length.
Pull the 1st wing layer back to lay over the hook shank and tie down the next wing bundle,which is a mix of yellow and bright
green Llama Streamer Hair.This is blended together in the same fashion as before...laying each colour out,one on top of the
other (or more!),and rolling or folding all into a single bundle.
Another wing bundle is then tied down,which is a mix of bright green Llama Streamer Hair and Magic Flash in colour Emerald....
.... mixed again as done previously.
Cut a small bundle of hair from a Baitfish Green Llama Streamer Hair patch,split it into 2 thinner lengths,and tie down so as
to lay along each side as lateral lines.Cut another small bundle of the same baitfish green hair and tie it along the top of the wing.
Build up a smooth thread head and tie off,then add your eyes of choice.Here I used CA glue to place plastic dome eyes and
then covered the thread wraps and the forward space between the eyes with epoxy cement.
I do need to make mention that the pics that I have taken ,above , do not adequately show the amount of sparkle within the
wing.In bright light there are a lot of highlights throughout.
Stephen Procter
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