Stephen Procter - Corixa (stillwater)

Corixa  - a nice little stillwater pattern

Daiichi 1510 ,size 12
Thread:Brown 70 denier
Back:Fly Specks Czeck Speck Thin Skin over brown Swiss Straw
Abdomen wrap:Window insulation shrink film
Under body:Sheet electronics packing foam to be pulled over the shank.
   Despite adding the sheet packing foam this fly will still sink,but at a
   reduced rate and while maintaining the back upward posture .
Dubbed abdomen:Magic Flash in colour Northern Lights is dubbed over
   the foam under body.
   The dubbed abdomen is wrapped with the shrink film and then the back
   coverings are pulled forward and tied down.Shrink the insulation film with
   a hair dryer.
Legs:Iridescent green neck feather from a male ringneck pheasant,tied in
   like a false throat hackle,but at the top of the shank...4 or 5 fibres at each
   side.Easiest to cut the feather such that you have a " V " of the fibres
   at an upper end of the feather stem,and then tie the " V " onto the shank.
Thorax:Small amount of dubbed Magic Flash in colour Forest , covered with
   with the back materials.
Eyes:Black permanent marker to each side of the thread head before cementing

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