Stephen Procter - Fuzzy Jelly

Fuzzy Jelly  ..... for clumped daphnia

Daiichi 1510 , #8
Thread: Used here are a mint green 10/0 for the greenish fly, and for the other one
             GLO-Brite Fluo. Floss #10 was used.
Tail: For the Melon Jelly Milkshake, Coq de Leon hackle fibres were used,and
       for the Banana, Glo-Brite Fluo. Yarn #10 ( GLO-Brite's Yarn is a tri-lobal material
       similar to sparkle yarn)
Body: FNF -Jelly Milkshake ...the 2 pictured use a Banana wrapped body and a Melon
Hackle: Light pardo Coq de Leon saddle hackle .Use feathers that are nicely speckled
     ... Wrap the body and hackle at the same time, brushing both types of fibre back
         as you go...1 complete wrap of hackle 1st and then holding the feather and
         Jelly Milkshake together, the feather at the rear, wrap forward until about a hook
         eye and a half space is left before the hook eye Carefully holding the materials, tie
         down the hackle and snip the waste feather(I find catching the Jelly Milkshake with
         you hackle pliers and letting them hang, will keep things in place for you .After tying
         off the Coq de Leon wrap the Jelly Milkshake for one complete wrap and then tie it
         off.Whip finish a head and clip .

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