Holo Fingerling
Daiichi 1510 #12
Thread:Dark 8/0 (black)
Tail:Holographic mylar tinsel,large
2 lengths tied 1 per side.Slant cut
upward,to size,after slight coat of
of Deer Creek Flex UV Resin along the top.
After cutting to size,coat completely
with a fine layer or 2 of Deer Creek Flex UV resin.
Body:Glitter Thread (GT-04 Gray)
Wing:Darker Chinese rooster hackle
fibres ...over medium or light pardo
Coq de Leon hackle fibres
...Coat entire body of fly(hook shank
length only)with Deer Creek Flex UV resin,leaving
the hackle un-coated beyond the bend.
Add stick on eyes and coat with the
resin lightly again,filling any space
between the eyes.
Add Daiichi Hooks or Deer Creek Product to your order and receive $5.00 USD or CAD equivalnet off the order total. Use Coupon Code SPFB2016 at check out. (one per customer for a limited time)
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