Stephen Procter - Playboy Sedgehog

Playboy Sedgehog

Daiichi 1190 , size 10 used here
Thread:Black 8/0
Tag : Orange holographic mylar tinsel
Tail:Rabbit foot pad hair
Wings:Deer body hair tips,at least 5 small bunches..natural for
   all but the very front bundle which is natural dyed sunburst
Body:Seals fur (or suitable sub) tied over the wing roots
   ...starting with claret over the base of the rabbit foot pad hair
   and 1st deer hair dark claret,switching then to
   black claret for the following 2,...and finally royal blue before the
   last sunburst dyed wing.

   You can add a wrap of soft hackle (hen) at the very front before tying
   off,as described by the original sedgehog pattern recipe,...and clip the
   bottom fibres.Use a suitable colour if you do.I usually leave the hackle
   off altogether.

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