Stephen Procter - Sunk (wet) Spinners

Sunk (Wet) Spinners

Daiichi 1190 , here on#16
Thread: 8/0 / 70 den. , or even finer if needed
Tails: Fibetts / paint(acrylic) brush fibers...
   or even fine soft hackle fibres if you wish
Abdomen: Grey turkey biot, swiped with
   a permanent marker
Wings: Window insulation shrink film,pre-shrunk with a hair dryer
   and cut into thin strip,... OVER a few (4 or 5 ) fibres of Antron
   ...Cut the film to size and shape after tie-off, and the Antron
   fibres to the same wing length.
   Clear Swiss Straw also works.
Thorax: Lustre Plus, cut and dubbed on sparsely.

   Don't leave the wings as a regular dry spinner, ie:at 90 degrees
   to the hook shank.  Especially if you do use this shrink film material
   as it is actually lighter than water, and you are trying to sink the fly,
   eventually. No, there's no good reason NOT to tie it and fish it
   intentionally as a dry.The shrink film is very fine and forgiving
   even after pre-shrinking, and folds back on the cast, resuming set
   position afterwards.  Tied as a spent dry this shrink film can support
   a dry hook that is tailed appropriately, but only until the fly breaks
   the surface film.

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