Synth Midge (synthetic midge)
#20 1X-Short...still playing with shrink film for wings,as it has lower specific gravity to water,nor absorbs water...The Buzzer Wrap around the body also is lighter than water.Thorax area is an Angelina/Antron dubbing.
That thing sat at the surface for hours until I tried pushing it under.Once through the film it does sink,but if lifted back to the surface it resumes floating.
To be clear,the Buzzer Wrap is just lighter than water....a specific gravity less than that of water.... so it doesn't add anything towards dragging the fly down below the surface film.Same thing with that pre-shrunk window insulation plastic film,except.of course,for the "downrigger " effect of the wings being to the sides on the surface film which does support the fly.The dubbed Lustre Plus would add a negligible amount to the weight of the fly but the nylon that the antron fibres are made of does absorb water.Still,a little floatant,if you have that kind of dexterity for the teeny-tiny, might be added too.
That drowned midge is the Daiichi 1330 up eye dry with a 16/0 black thread (flat)
A thin,pearl mylar rib is wrapped over the thread and then the Buzzer Wrap is
is wrapped over the whole abdomen(Bibioed) Red. The Buzzer Wrap is stretched to thin the width of the material...just a bit.
Wings are a small piece of pre-shrunk window insulation plastic film,tied on cross-ways
and then angled back.Finally a sparse,dubbed thorax of cut Lustre Plus fibres in Black.
I tentatively call the thing a synth midge .... no natural materials.
Stephen Procter