Phillip Rowley - Frostbite Bloodworm

Hook:    Daiichi 1710 #12-#16
Thread: MFC 8/0 or UTC 70, Red, Green or Maroon/Burgundy 
Tail:      1 Strand of Stretch Floss, Split, Color to Match Body
Rib:       Fine Gold, Copper, Silver or Red Wire
Body:    Frostbite (Red, Green or Maroon)

Chironomid larva patterns do not inspire angler confidence. To most, patterns appear nothing more than a small red stick. The Frostbite Bloodworm is no exception to this slender trend.

Larval or bloodworm patterns are an important stillwater staple and tend to be ignored by many fly fishers who prefer the more familiar scuds, dragon nymphs, leeches and damsel nymphs. With over 2500 species in western North America alone chironomids especially their larval form are one staple that should not be over looked. Larval patterns are ideal the low light conditions of morning and early evening, after a strong wind storm, and when diving birds such as Coots are ferreting through the near shore weed beds. Hanging a larval pattern such as the Frostbite Bloodworm below a strike indicator amongst foraging birds can be deadly as the trout patrol amongst debris-ridden smorgasbord.

Tying Instructions

Add Daiichi hooks to your order and receive $5.00 USD off the purchase price.  Use Coupon Code PRFB2015 at check out.    (limit one per customer)

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