Yellow Gold Streamer
Daiichi 1750 size 6
Thread is camel colour 8/0
Tail of yellow llama hair over Mother of Pearl Magic Flash
Body is pearl mylar over flat gold mylar tinsel
Throat is orange above yellow llama hair
Gill area of Red Wing Magic Flash,small dubbing ball
Wing is built upwards with thin amount of orange llama,then
thin amount of Yellow Magic Flash,over which a thicker amount of
yellow llama hair,then orange llama,and finally a topping of Copper Magic Flash.
Clipped butt ends of the wing are mixed well,as a dubbing,and wound on in front
of the wing as a head....Velcro-brushed and combed back after tying off the thread.
Sick-on eyes are placed and then the thread wraps,between the eyes,and the eye surfaces
are coated in epoxy or UV cured resin.
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